Bogusław Kędzior NEWS & Events 7 May 2012 OECD praises Poland Poland has the highest rate of economic growth compared with the most developed countries of the wor... Read More
Bogusław Kędzior FAQ, NEWS & Events 27 April 2012 What method of financing will be better for our company to increase the capital or to apply for a loan? The rule is that Polish limited liability company, which are a part of international groups are bein... Read More
Bogusław Kędzior NEWS & Events 26 April 2012 Tax authorities will share data The tax authorities of EU countries will transmit information about taxpayers more quickly. They wil... Read More
Bogusław Kędzior NEWS & Events 18 April 2012 Poland – an attractive location for investments in business services The attractiveness of Poland as a location for investment in modern business services is improving.... Read More
Bogusław Kędzior FAQ, NEWS & Events 18 April 2012 Can you tell me if my company needs to submit INTRASTAT declarations? Can you provide my company with those services? INTRASTAT declarations provide records of trading between the countries of the European Union.  ... Read More
Bogusław Kędzior FAQ, NEWS & Events 27 March 2012 What can be recognized as tax deductible cost in Poland? Just like in most countries certain expenses cannot be tax deductible in Poland. Since this issue is... Read More
Bogusław Kędzior FAQ, NEWS & Events 22 March 2012 Can you explain the difference between reliable and unreliable tax registers? Reliable tax registers should include an overview of all economic activities that can affect the tax... Read More
Bogusław Kędzior NEWS & Events 16 March 2012 Polish GDP on the rise There was great news for Poland at the end of 2011’s fourth quarter of the year as its economy gr... Read More
Bogusław Kędzior FAQ, NEWS & Events 15 March 2012 Do we need to open a bank account in Poland? Is it mandatory? If it is mandatory, in what currency? It is necessary to open a bank account in Poland only if a company wants to receive a VAT refund in ... Read More
Bogusław Kędzior NEWS & Events 6 March 2012 The dispute over VAT on storage services The EU Court of Justice will judge where should be taxed comprehensive storage services – VAT... Read More