Polish seaports can compete with the best ports in Europe

Polish seaports are capable of competing with the best seaports in Europe because of the briefings coordination in “Port 24” system made by the seaport services and the border inspections. The Polish Ministry of Finance has just advised that this causes a significant shortening in the inspection procedures.
During a recent visit to Gdańsk, the Head of The Polish Ministry of Finance, Mateusz Szczurek pointed out that the implementation of the “Port 24” control system has improved the control activities in seaports and has had a big impact on a faster release of goods for the market authorization procedures.
At Polish seaports this period lasts for about 3.5hours, while briefing a single customs declaration by electronic systems takes only a few minutes. This is a reason that enables Polish seaports to compete with European ones. Moreover, it should be mentioned that this is the result of, among others, “Port 24” initiative. It came into force on 1st January 2015 to streamline and shorten the time of the border controls of goods in Polish seaports to a maximum of 24 hours.
The coordinator’s role was delegated to The Polish Customs Service, but all border inspections participate in this procedure too. After more than 6 months from the launch it can be stated that almost all border checks (99.7%) are made in less than 24 hours (on average approx. 10-12 hours). This, together with other customs and tax solutions mean that Polish seaports can compete more closely with other European seaports.