Poland – very high ratings among foreign investors

Last year announced greenfield projects or greenfield investments, the investments from the ground up, which amounted to 11.5 billion dollars, in terms of value Poland took second place in the European Union. Before Poland, was only the Great Britain, where the value of such projects amounted up to 41.2 billion dollars. Right after Poland placed Spain (11.4 billion dollars.), Romania (9.9) and Germany (8.5).


In the annual UNCTAD survey (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) the investors were asked about the most attractive place to locate projects for 2013-2015 Poland placed 4th in Europe and 14th in the world. Poland was one of the five European countries classified as one of twenty locations in the world to be the most attractive for investments. Poland was in that group the only country from Central and Eastern Europe.


In our part of Europe Poland remains the absolute leader in terms of the cumulative value of incurred expenditures by foreign companies. The expenditures amount to 230.6 billion dollars. Czech ranked second with is 136.4 billion dollars. The third place was taken by Hungary (103.6 billion dollars.), followed by Romania (74.2 billion), Slovakia (55.8 billion) and Bulgaria (49.9 billion).

Investment attractiveness of Poland was confirmed at the annual survey conducted by the 16 German bilateral chambers of commerce and industry. They questioned 1623 companies with foreign capital that invested in our region. Poland this year is a leader of this ranking for the first time.