Globalization Index – Poland more open than Italy and Japan

Poland ranked 27th in the ranking of the most globalized economies in the world, ahead of Italy, South Korea and Japan. As the report shows Poland is the most open for trade.


Globalization Index measures the relationship of the 60 largest economies in the world (in terms of GDP), with other countries, taking into account the criteria such as the openness to trade, the capital flows, the labor mobility, the exchange of the technology and knowledge and the cultural integration.

The study was prepared based on the interviews with 750 managers of global companies. The report shows that despite the low GDP growth observed in 2012 and the uncertain economic outlook, globalization continues to proceed. First of all, thanks to the technological development, and cross-border movement of knowledge.

The report also draws attention to the fact that more globalized are medium-sized markets with high growth rate, such as Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines, as well as smaller European countries: Belgium, Slovakia and Hungary. The BRIC countries were on much further positions: Brazil on the 45th place, Russia on 48th, India at 54th and China at the 44th. On the top of the ranking were Hong Kong, Singapore and Ireland. Poland was on the 27th place.


The changing nature of business, technology development and investment opportunities in the markets will encourage rapid growth of globalization.

Challenge for Poland as a friendly to business country, will be the increase of the competitiveness of the investment compared to other countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Unlimited duration of special economic zones operation certainly will help to increase the inflow of foreign direct investment into Poland.

Broadening the directions of expansion and export structure will allow Poland to even greater strengthening of Poland’s position on international markets the experts stated. The report shows that in category: openness to trade Poland ranks best.