New SAF-T (JPK_VAT) replacing current VAT returns will be introduced in Poland as from 1 April, 2020 for the biggest taxpayers and the remaining entities will be sending them from 1 July, 2020. Generally the goal of the changes was to simplify the VAT reporting as the new SAF-T will combine the data from the VAT returns and current SAF-T. In practice, however, the preparation of the new file will involve a number of changes for the taxpayers, in particular the need to adapt the accounting systems to extract the necessary data, which have not been required till now. One of the key changes will be the obligation to verify the goods sold and services provided in terms of their belonging to one of the thirteen groups of goods and services (GTU). In the case the goods or services will belong to this group, appropriate code will have to be assigned to such sale and this will be reported in the new SAF-T with numbers from 01 to 13. Moreover taxpayers will have to recognize and mark specific types of transactions e.g. distance sales from Poland will be coded with “SW”, split payment transaction with “MPP”.